Update 18 January 2021
The government has announced that England has moved into Tier 5 local restrictions from 00.01am on 5 January 2021.
In accordance with government guidance the college has moved into a lockdown status. We expect that this situation will continue until February and we will keep you updated with regular communication.
We look forward to welcoming you all back to College as soon as possible – but in the meantime stay safe and well.
Remote Education
In accordance with government guidance, the College has put in the following measures to support remote education:
- We feel it is really important to maintain a similar learning structure where possible, in terms of days and times that our students are normally engaged in learning when at College. Therefore, it is our intention to stick to the timetables in terms of maintaining consistency and giving all our students the same overall structure for learning, however, clearly the delivery methods will be different.
- Methods of delivery will be through a combination of online live teaching sessions, recorded sessions, other online activities through the College’s VLE, self-directed study where students will work on assignments, written work or research, Google Classroom as well as 1-2-1 support to check up on student’s well-being and support sessions. The combination of delivery methods will differ depending on the type of courses students are enrolled on.
- A blended learning model is in place for our SEND students which involves face-to-face delivery for some students.
- It is the College’s expectations that all students remain engaged throughout all their sessions and utilise their time wisely to maintain progress. Although Ofqual and awarding bodies have not confirmed how grades are going to be determined this year, no doubt there will be teacher input to define outcomes.
- Those students that remain engaged for the full timetabled hours will find more opportunities to submit assessments which will count towards their grades, giving a greater opportunity to not only pass their programme/course, but to get the high grades that they need to progress. They will also find it easier to transition back into College life when we return.
- For the more practical based programmes/courses the College still expects all students to be engaged through all delivery methods although clearly activities will be more theory based but will still be engaging. When we return, we will ensure students catch up with any practical based activities and assessments.
- All Maths and English sessions will continue as per timetable and will be delivered through live teaching sessions.
- All delivery methods as explained above are for all our students – 16-19, 19+ and apprenticeships.
- Personal Tutors and Assessors will also maintain contact via 1-2-1 support. Any lack of engagement will be followed up through various contact methods such as text, phone calls, contact with parents and emails. In addition, students will still have supported learning opportunities. Students with an EHCP can access specific College facilities.
- The College is providing IT equipment for students who have been identified as having no devices. In addition, the college will provide access to on-site facilities for those students without connectivity or a suitable environment for learning.
Exam information
Exams scheduled for week commencing 4 January 2021 will go ahead as planned. All COVID-19 protocols remain in place to maintain your safety whilst in College. Exam rooms are laid out supporting social distancing measures. If you can please attend however, there is an understanding if you are unable to.
Your tutors will provide guidance regarding further exams scheduled from week commencing 11 January 2021.
Stay Safe
The College has put in place a range of procedures to provide a safe environment for students, apprentices, staff and visitors during the Coronavirus pandemic.
If you are accessing the College under the current government guidance and restrictions, some procedures will be adapted following the latest government guidelines.

The government has announced that England has moved into Tier 5 local restrictions from 00.01am on 5 January, 2021. In accordance with Government guidance, the college has moved into a lockdown status.
The college has contacted all of our vulnerable students to ensure they receive support. This may involve on site activity, therefore the college has adjusted its risk assessment for the specific college campuses.
We are confident that by working together, we can continue to provide a safe environment for our staff, students and apprentices. The college urges everyone to follow measures that have been put in place.
Temperature checking will take place upon entrance. If you have a high reading you may be asked to return home.
Where possible the College has implemented a ‘safe flow’ to move around each campus in a safe way. Entrances and exits may be different. Please read signage to guide you.
We ask for your patience where queues may form.
Our aim is to ensure you are safe whilst on site and studying, therefore we have taken the decision that face coverings will be expected to be worn at all times.
You are asked to wear on entry, moving around the College and in classes. Face masks will be available to purchase.
This applies to all staff, students and apprentices.
We will look to work with any staff, students and apprentices who are unable to wear face coverings due to underlying health conditions to be easily identifiable so challenge will be appropriate.
The College encourages students, apprentices and staff to regularly wash hands following the latest government guidance.
Hand sanitiser stations have been provided and should be used on entry and when moving around the College.
All areas and rooms will be cleaned before use. Enhanced cleaning regimes have been implemented with a focus on high-traffic areas such as toilets, handrails and door furniture throughout the day. Cleaning stations are being provided to support cleaning shared resources such as PCs and printers.
There is increased signage reminding students, apprentices and staff of hygiene practices. It’s important that everyone plays their part in supporting a clean environment.
Students and apprentices will also receive briefings when starting College. This will include guidance on cleaning and use of items/equipment when you are in class.
‘Grab and Go’ food and drinks will be available to purchase but this facility will be cashless. Monies can be loaded on to your College ID badges for easy payment.*
Vending machines will be available and cleaning facilities will be provided to support use.
Existing water fountain points have been replaced with foot operated ones for safe use.
*In the event of a national lockdown, refreshment facilities will be removed and students and apprentices will be encouraged to bring packed lunches.
Transport West Midlands have issued a guide for students traveling by public transport which give advice on staying safe.