Define your future…
At City of Wolverhampton College, we want you to #DefineYourFuture.
We offer a range of apprenticeships enabling you to combine working for an employer with studying for a relevant industry-recognised qualification through the college.
You’ll be taught by industry-experienced tutors and assessor who are there to support you through your apprenticeship to ensure you achieve your very best and have a great learning experience – as well as some fun – during your time with us.
So, if you’re just starting out and want to get on the career ladder and earn while you learn, or are already employed and want to improve your skills and knowledge further, an apprenticeship is an ideal way to develop the skills that employers are looking for.
Why choose us?
Take a look at some of the ways we can help you define you future…

Flexible – we offer apprenticeships in a wide range of industry sectors enabling you to combine working in your chosen industry with studying towards occupational standards set by employers.
And, don’t forget, because you’ll be doing a real job for a real employer, you’ll get paid too!.

Varied – you will learn skills at college that you can put into practice in the workplace and use situations you encounter at work to bring your learning to life in the classroom. Tutors vary the way that they teach – including lectures, seminars, tutorials and independent study – to ensure you’re always engaged and learning and, whatever your level or aspirations, will support you throughout your apprenticeship

Career-focussed – whether you’re doing an apprenticeship as a first step to your future career or are already working in the sector and using apprenticeship training to develop further, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for.
What’s more, many employers advertise their apprenticeship vacancies through us so you’ll have access to the latest opportunities in your chosen sector.

Dedicated – throughout your apprenticeship you’ll be supported by a college assessor who will visit you in the workplace to ensure you’re on-track with your learning and meeting your deadlines, and that you get the most out of your apprenticeship, meet the required occupational standards and progress to further learning or employment

Well-connected – we’re proud of our very strong links with hundreds of local and national employers, so we know the skills they are looking for in their workforce and ensure our apprenticeships are up-to-date and that you will develop the relevant industry skills you need for the next step in your career.

Industry-standard – our campuses are equipped with industry-standard facilities and equipment so you’ll learn your skills on the same sort of kit that you will encounter in the workplace.

Helpful – whatever you need, we’re here to help! As well as talking to your tutors and assessors, you can get information and advice on all aspects of college life in the Student Hubs, help with research, assignments and revising in the Study Hubs, advice on the best routes into your chosen career from our dedicated careers team, and support with anything that may be concerning you from our trained counsellors and safeguarding team

Local college – our two main campuses – Paget Road in Compton and Wellington Road in Bilston –have great transport links via train, metro and bus, enabling you to study close to home.

#DefineYourFuture we’ll give you the freedom to be creative and the knowledge and experience to achieve your personal, academic and career ambitions.

Want to talk? – if you’re unsure about the best apprenticeship for you, come and have a chat to our recruitment team at one of our open events held throughout the year, make an appointment with a careers adviser, or call in at either of our campuses for a chat with a member of staff from the Student Hub.

What’s on offer? – take a look at the apprenticeship we offer here

Already know what you which apprenticeship you want to do?