After 30 years working in adult education and the care sector, 47-year-old Michelle Lynch took a career break and then came to college to fulfil her dream of working as a teaching assistant.
Michelle, who is studying for the part-time Level 2 certificate in supporting teaching and learning in schools said: “I’m enjoying the course and learning lots about child development and behaviour management, as well as refreshing my skills in maths, English and spelling which I can use with children in the classroom.
“As part of the course we have to complete a work experience placement and after I’d been at mine for a few weeks I was offered a job at the school on four mornings a week – I was shocked to be offered it so early on in the course but felt on top of the world!
“I’d say to anyone who is thinking about changing career that you should follow what you really want to do. It was a big decision for me to leave a job and retrain but I’m so glad that I did – coming to college has enabled me to fulfil one of my lifelong goals!”