“Before I joined the Prince’s Trust I had very low self-esteem and I felt like there was no hope for me, but ever since I came here this course has made me exceed to levels that I thought I wouldn’t be able to,” said 18-year-old Stuart Wilson who is coming to the end of a 12-week Prince’s Trust Team programme.
The scheme, for young people aged 16-25 who are unemployed, aims to increase their chances of moving into a job, further education or training through participating in a range of activities designed to improve confidence, self-esteem and team work, as well as developing English and maths skills and benefiting from a two-week work experience placement.
Stuart added: “This programme is all about getting you prepared for the world of work. The course leaders help people like me see the world through a new lens. They do outdoor activities to get you up and about and do activities where you and your team must complete challenges to help get each other through using teamwork.
“I thought I had nothing to me because of how many times I failed but, thanks to these amazing people, I’ve gone from being a shy, bullied, and scared little boy to not feeling scared about trying new experiences.
“So, go for it – if you fail, don’t let that bring you down – we all fail sometimes, that’s just learning…learning to be a better version of yourself. I never gave up and if I can do it, so can you – reach far and stretch high for what you want to achieve.”