“School wasn’t for me,” said 18-year-old games design student Ben Browne. “It was long days doing things that I wasn’t interested in, but now I’m studying something I enjoy it makes learning fun!
Ben, who enrolled for the Level 3 diploma after deciding not to complete the second year of his A Levels at school, added: “I thought that these sorts of qualifications were only available at university, so when I found that the college offered this course I made an instant decision to come here. .
“College is so different to school and I like the freedom to work at my own pace and decide what I’m going to do each day. For my personal project I’m designing a sci-fi open world game and it’s really satisfying to see my ideas come to life.
“Doing work experience at Flix Interactive was great too as it was an opportunity to see professionals at work, get involved in testing and give feedback to help shape games of the future – and I’ve got contacts in the industry now too.
“This time last year I wasn’t enjoying what I was doing – school was draining but now I’m much happier and feel more confident too.
“If you’re passionate about something definitely look at courses offered by the college – I did and I haven’t got any regrets about the decision I made.”
After completing the Level 3 qualification Ben hopes to study games design at university.