An open event at City of Wolverhampton College later this month has been moved online as a result of the government’s latest lockdown restrictions.
The event, which was due to take place on Saturday 23 January, has been replaced with a virtual event on Wednesday 27 January, which will operate via the Zoom platform from 4pm to 7pm.
Those joining the event will be able to chat face-to-face with tutors about part-time courses starting this term, full-time courses available from September and apprenticeships with employers in the local area.
People wishing to attend must register in advance to receive a link to join the session and, once the event starts, will be connected for a one-to-one discussion with a tutor, careers advisor or apprenticeship recruitment officer.
People who have already registered to attend the January open day will be contacted and sent a link to join the online session.
Louise Fall, vice principal for student engagement at the college, said: “Even though the college is again being forced to close due to the current lockdown, it is very much business as usual and we are still accepting applications for full-time study programmes, short part-time courses and apprenticeships with local employers.
“At this worrying time, with much uncertainty about job security in the future, the event will give people the opportunity to find out more about the qualifications that employers in different industries will be looking for so that they can be ahead of the competition when they are applying for jobs in the future.”
Book a place at the virtual open event here
Find details of all courses, qualifications and apprenticeships offered by the college here