An open event at City of Wolverhampton College later this month has been moved online in response to the government’s new lockdown restrictions.
The event, which was due to take place at the college’s three main campuses on Saturday 28 November, has been replaced with a virtual event on Wednesday, 2 December to give people the opportunity to still have a face-to-face chat with tutors.
The virtual event will run from 4pm to 7pm and will operate via the online Zoom platform. People wishing to attend must register in advance to receive a link to join the session and, depending on their enquiry, will be connected for a one-to-one session with a tutor, careers advisor or apprenticeship recruitment officer to assist them further.
People who have already registered to attend the November open day will be contacted and sent a link to join the online session.
Louise Fall, vice principal for student success at the college, said: “During these unprecedented times, the college has been able to demonstrate its resilience in responding to changes from government, whilst ensuring the health and wellbeing of the staff, students, apprentices and stakeholders is at the forefront of every decision.
“We know that people want to talk to tutors or careers advisers face-to-face when they are deciding which route to take into their chosen career and we have adapted our plans so that they can still have a video call with the relevant members of staff at the online event instead.”
Book a place at the virtual open event here