Are you interested in games programming,website programming and cybersecurity?
If so, this course will give you the IT knowledge, practical skills and experience you will need for your future career.
The course is equivalent to one-and-a-half A Levels and will covdrs a range of IT topics that will enable you to progress to further study, a higher education qualification or employment in a range of IT-related roles.
You develop a common core of IT knowledge and study areas such as the relationship between hardware and software that form an IT system, managing and processing data to support business, using IT to communicate and share information, computational thinking skills, and the principles of designing and developing computer programmes.
The course is delivered at the Wellington Road campus, in Bilston.
To access this course you are required to have:
During this course you will study the following modules:
Throughout the course you will gain a range of transferable knowledge and skills to prepare you for progression to university or employment, including:
Throughout the course you will be assessed in the following ways:
Five of the units are assessed internally by college tutors, and a further two are assessed by an external assessor.
Successful completion of this course will enable you to progress to:
Full Time Programme Component