When we spoke to 21-year-old Adam Cater back in December, he was in the first term of the Level 3 diploma in games design after completing the Level 2 diploma the year before.
Now in his second term, we checked back with Adam to see how he’s getting on – here’s what he had to say…
“The course is going extremely well – it’s very well organised and the structure has enabled me to want to learn more.
“I have completed formative projects – which enable me to use the skills I’ve learned from tutors and implement them into a working game – recorded and edited my own sound effects and worked with games engines – such as Unreal Engine – to help me see my work visually as I create my own games.
“The workload isn’t as much as you might think and there are no exams which is a great thing! The whole course is based on assessments, with a final major project at the end of the year – I’ve achieved passes and merits in my assessments so far, which is above my expectations and has given me the confidence and courage to keep working hard and achieve a distinction in my final project.
“Since you last spoke to me I have learned a lot more, gained new skills and developed the ones I already had. I have developed more on the programming side as this is something I have a real passion for, as well as gained skills in communication, teamwork and management.
“When I started the Level 2 course I was quiet and anxious if I was asked a question by tutors, but they make sure everyone is engaged and arrange one-to-one sessions to find out how you’re getting on and to support you mentally – this was very helpful to me as it allowed me to become more comfortable and active in the class which, in turn, enabled me to learn more.
“When I finish the course I want to go to Staffordshire University to do a BSc (Hons) in computer games design and programming and eventually be able to produce my own top-quality games and be employed by a games design company in the future.”
Read about Adam’s other two terms here: