Reignite Your Future

Helping you to refresh and redevelop your skills!

In response to the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, colleges across the West Midlands are working together to bring to you a Regional Skills Recovery Programme – Reignite Your Future funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority with the primary aim to help adults gain jobs in one of the region’s growth sectors.

So whether you are at risk of redundancy, your employment has suffered due to Covid- 19, or you are looking to upskill or change your pathway, you can refresh or redevelop your skills for FREE which will enable you to reignite your passion and secure your future career!

What is the Regional Skills Recovery Programme?

The Regional Skills Recovery Programme will provide you access to FREE training across the West Midlands and is specifically designed to help you get back to work or move into a new career. The programme consists of:

  • Free sector-based work academy programmes (SWAPs)
  • Free technical training priority sectors

Sector Based Work Academy Programme (SWAPS)

SWAPS can accelerate your return to employment. Delivered in conjunction with employers who are recruiting, programmes at the College will help prepare currently unemployed to apply for jobs in different areas of work. You could be back into work in no time and, whilst you are retraining, you will not lose your benefits! 

Technical Training in Priority Sectors

Free Technical Training will help you develop the skills required to gain employment in sectors that are continuing to grow and increase their workforce despite the impact of the pandemic.

Have you considered a new role in a priority sector such as Health Care, Digital or Construction? To support local people in getting jobs in these areas the college has developed technical training schemes focussed on developing skills required by these priority growth areas. 

All of the courses are part-time so you can fit studying around your other commitments and, what’s more, they’re fully-funded so it won’t cost you anything to retrain. 

Colleges West Midlands have created the Reignite Your Future prospectus. Check out the courses available here:



Colleges West Midlands Officially Launched Reignite Your Future Offer

Colleges West Midlands launched the offer on on Wednesday 8 December 2020 supported by the Mayor of the West Midlands, Andy Street.

Read the full article here

Pictured at the launch of ‘Reignite Your Future’ are L-R Mayor of the West Midlands Andy Street, Rose Rees, Head of Engagement and Skills at Midland Metro Alliance, Lowell Williams, Chair of Colleges West Midlands, and learner Iman Khan