For 19-year-old Shaquile Barnaby, joining the Futures programme has boosted his confidence and motivation and he’s now working one-day-a-week for an online games design company as part of a supported internship
“When I started at college four years ago I was 16, very shy and struggled to concentrate, but I’ve really come out of my shell and am much more mature and motivated now!
“Before, I wouldn’t speak to people if I didn’t know them but now I try to help anyone in the class and it makes me feel happy to be able to do something for someone else.
“For my placement I’m working one day a week for the Learn Play Foundation which makes educational games and I’m developing a ball-rolling game.
“Doing the placement is good as I know that on a Wednesday I need to get up and be ready for work on time. It feels great when I get feedback from the manager – if it’s positive comments I know that I’m doing a good job, but I know that I can always do better so use feedback on what I haven’t done so well as an opportunity to improve.
“It feels great to be doing a job I enjoy – I have more self confidence, more faith in my abilities and am proud of how I’ve worked hard to improve myself.”