When 18-year-old Muninder Pal Singh moved to the UK, improving his English was one of his first priorities so he signed up for an ESOL course and also opted to study for GCSE English at the same time.
Muninder said: “It’s hard to start a new life in a new country, in a new atmosphere, with some new experiences.
“A small decision can bring a big change in your life and choosing a college to study in was one of the important decisions in my life.
“I was new to the UK, but I was confused about which college to choose. I researched on the internet, asked for advice from my friends and relatives and looked at some adverts – City of Wolverhampton College came up again and again. When I looked on the online map I found it was near to my house and getting to know about open events made it clear what I had to do next.
“I was nervous but also felt uncomfortable about talking to anyone as I wasn’t even sure what to ask for – “What course is suitable for me, a newcomer?” was the question I had to keep asking myself.
But, when I finally talked to staff members, I was clear about enrolling at the very first opportunity. I got answers to all the questions I had in my mind. Friendly staff, beautiful environment and an impressive attitude of everyone made my job easier. My nervousness disappeared in a few minutes and I was fully confident to make a choice.
I think I made a good decision – I feel blessed and lucky as I am learning many things at college.