Rhiannon Cooper is in the second term of the Level 3 UAL Extended Diploma in photography and we asked her to tell us how she’s getting on and how she’s progressed since the last time we spoke to her.
Rhiannon said: “Since you spoke to me in the first term of this year I have gained more indepth knowledge of many different experimental techniques and, due to my interest in fashion photography, I’ve been learning more about fast and slow fashion within the fashion industry for my final major project (FMP).
“In my most recent dark room project I achieved a merit and a predicted grade of a distinction for my FMP, which has helped me to focus and showed me where I need to improve to achieve the distinction and perhaps even a distinction star!
“I’m really enjoying the course, especially now that I’m working on my FMP and can have fun with my work.
“I’ve had an offer from Bath Spa University to study for a BA (Hons) in Fashion Photography – it’s a four-year course, including an industry placement year – and I’m looking forward to starting it later this year.”
Read what Rhiannon said about Term 1 here