A Level exams in chemistry, maths and physics are fast approaching for Abdus Wahij, and he is using a range of techniques and resources to ensure he keeps on top of his revision and achieves the grades he needs to go to university.
Abdus said: “I have a piece of homework for each of my three subjects every week and at times they are challenging, but reviewing my notes to help me tackle each piece is really useful. Revising old content as well as keeping up-to-date with the current topic is sometimes hard to manage but allocating certain times for certain tasks makes it more manageable.
“In the mock exams, in December, I got 78% in chemistry which I was very happy with as my marks had been much lower in the past. I got 57% in maths and 50% in physics and was disappointed, but I realised that when it’s difficult to prioritise all subjects I tend to focus on one or two and neglect the others – so, whilst I’m now allocating more time to my weaker subjecto f maths, I’m making sure I don’t neglect the other subjects.
“To help me in maths I have been using resources that my tutor recommended, such as exam questions or Bicen maths on YouTube – this has drastically improved my confidence and I’m looking forward to the exams.
“Since the last time we spoke I’ve learnt how enjoyable it is reading fiction and non-fiction books and they have taught me practical techniques to implement in my daily life. And I’ve also learnt that the mentality that I use when going to the gym – such as training consistently and it being hard at the beginning but eventually becoming easier – can be applied to studying too.
“I have also limited my phone usage only to use the camera, take calls and make notes – I thought life would be very boring without it, but the experience so far has been enjoyable. I am much more present when speaking to my friends or family, and spending time on other activities has made me happier and helped me to improve in my A-levels too.
“I believe if I stay consistent with the rate I’m working at I will be able to get in a much better position for the exams and I am still planning on going to university to study astrophysics as I have a passion for the exploration of space and hope to research extra-terrestrial life.”