Having worked as a labourer, Aubrey Jwof, signed up for the British Gypsum Site Ready Skimming course, part of the college’s sector-based work academy (SWAPs) programme, to gain the skills needed for his future career.
Aubrey, aged 28, said: “I chose this course because I want to do plastering as a career and I also find it satisfying looking at the results achieved from my work.
“The course is intense and I’m learning at a fast pace – the tutors help with new techniques every day and I have learnt a lot of different skills.
“The course being free is fantastic because it gives people of all ages and backgrounds the chance to kickstart their career and being guaranteed an interview at the end of the course is really helpful because it will give me the feel of what an interview is like and also the chance to gain employment with an employer.
“Since starting the course I have grown in confidence in my work and in working with others and when I’ve completed it I hope to get work in a site to gain more experience or to set up my own business.
“It’s never too late to better your life and thanks go to the college and British Gypsum for this opportunity.”